Change the data directory of the PostgreSQL
In ubuntu 18.04 PostgreSQL is running on the default directory /usr/lib/postgresql/ and the data directory is ‘/etc/postgresql/10/main’
To get the data directory you can run
sudo -u postgres psql -c "show data_directory;"
To change the data directory, first, stop the PostgreSQL service
sudo service postgresql stop
I mounted a ZFS volume through iSCSI protocol in my home directory
That will be my target directory so whenever I want to create a backup I can take the ZFS snapshot
After mounting the FS, I changed to the owner to postgres
vignesh@vignesh:~$ sudo chown postgres pdata
Then modify the data_directory configuration in the postgresql.conf configuration file
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf
Then Initiate the new data directory
vignesh@vignesh:~$ sudo /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/initdb -D pdata/
Then start the service and check the data directory again, the directory will be changed to the new folder.
Originally published at asvignesh.